Grammar work
1) I have got long hair.
I haven`t got long hai .
Have you got long hair?
2) I have got fair hair.
I haven`t got fair hair.
Have you got fair hair?
3) I have got straight hair.
I haven`t got straight hair.
Have you got straght hair?
4) I have green eyes.
I haven`t green eyes.
Have you got green eyes?
5) I have got small ears.
I haven`t got small ears.
Have you got small ears?
6) I have got full lips.
I haven`t got full lips.
Have you got full lips?
7) I have got of medium height.
I haven`t got of medium height.
Have you got of medium height?
8) I have got plump cheek.
I haven`t got plump cheek.
Have you got plump cheek?
9) I have got short neck.
I haven`t got short neck.
Have you got short neck?
10) I have got small chin.
I haven`t got small chin.
Have you got small chin?
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