
Сообщения за ноября 22, 2019

Consumer society

Good afternoon, my name is Slobodyanyuk Sofia, and I am a worker of the new sport gum, which name is “Your Choice” , and now I want to tell you some information about this place.  This gum was opened a week ago and is a three-story building. On first floor we have reception, changer room, swimming pool, VIP  sauna,  shower and café. On second floor we have  fitness equipment, rooms for yoga, aerobics and acrobatics. On third floor we have free dance halls. Now, I want to tell you about our services.  We have many types of subscriptions. For example: Mouth subscription, 6 mouth subscription and year subscription. Also, we have VIP subscription. With this subscription you can use waiters services. We also have special subscription for swimming pool. After purchasing you can use all of our services except VIP sauna. You can use it with adding payment. You can also buy single ticket and training in our gym once. We are also have special discounts for...