Final topic module 5

It always gets on my nerves when people talk in the cinema, but you won't believe what has happened to me tonight! I went out to the cinema with my friends to see a film I've wanted to see for ages. From the moment we sat down, a group of teenagers behind us didn't stop talking and laughing, and even chatting on their mobile phones.
What gets on my nerves is bad table manners. I've got really funny story about this. A few months ago, I went to a restaurant with my family While we were trying to decide what to order, we heard some strange noises coming from the table behind us. It was man slurping his soup really loudly.Well,I have to travel on public transport every day and there are plenty of things that annoy me. A few days ago, though, it was a boiling hot day and when my train pulled into the station and saw the bodies pressed against the door, my heart sank Everyone was pushing to get on and I found myself a  next to man with terrible body odour

So, Steven, why did you decide to spend a yea r studying abroad? Well, generally I thought it would be an adventure and a great learning opportunity to live in totally different culture. I chose Mexico because I have been learning Spanish now for three years and I wanted to improve my language skills What have been the best parts of your experience so far? It's very difficult to choose just a few, but one of the best things has definitely been the experience of living with a host family. Mexicans are very warm, outgoing people and my hosts have been treating me like part of their family.And what about the challenging parts rewarding. Well I’ve been struggling a bit to get used to the hot weather, but now I wear a hat. It was also difficult to get used to the spicy food but now I'm really enjoying it

If you are meeting someone for the first time, extend a hand to say hello. Britons greet each other with firm handshakes. Hugs are rare, but kissing on the cheek is not unusual between friends or relatives.When Brits ask how you are, they don't expect a long reply about your recent headaches or your sore throat. "How are you?" is a typical greeting that asks for a simple answer such as "I'm fine”.Giving a thumbs up or okay sign are all positive gestures. Using your index finger to point at someone is impolite; instead extend your entire hand, palm facing up. Sharing a meal with Brits shouldn't be a stressful event. Nevertheless, there are a few things to remember when you find yourself at a dinner table. 

Liz has shared the stage with world leaders like Mikhail Gorbachev the Dalai Lama as an international speaker. It's hard to believe that at the age of 16 she was homeless and sleeping on park benches and underground trains!A few years ago, Economics graduate Mark was the manager of an organic food company. He has always been passionate about the environment and social issues, but he felt that he wanted to do even more. He argued that if we grew our own food instead of buying it, we wouldn't throw a third of it away while millions around the world go hungryNarayanan Krishnan was an award- winning chef who was about to take up a top job in Switzerland. Then, while visiting his parents at home in India, he saw an old man starving under a bridge.

When my best friend Alisha first invited me to go with her to her cousin's wedding in India, I leapt at the chance. A wedding is very important to Hindus because it signifies the marriage of two families, not just a couple. It sounded so exotic and I wanted to see it for myself! When we walked out of the airport into the steaming hot day, a large group of Alisha's relatives were waiting excitedly to greet us. After having greeted grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, from the oldest to the youngest according to tradition, we caught a taxi and got my first taste of the hustle and bustle of Jaipur.

No one knows for sure why we yawn, but one theory is that when you're tired or bored, you don't breathe as deeply as usual, so yawning helps you to take more oxygen into the blood.A cough is an important way of clearing your airways, throat and lungs of irritations.It's no secret that we blush when we're embarrassed, but why? Well, when you feel self-conscious, your body releases adrenalin which increases the blood flow to your face. Babies don't blush.We get hiccups when something irritates, the diaphragm muscle below the lungs that helps pull air into them. When something such as dust, pollen or a virus lirritates the inside of our nose, a message goes to the brain.When you are asleep and air can't move freely through your mouth or nose, parts of your mouth and throat vibrate and cause snoring


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