
Сообщения за октября 20, 2018

Final Topic Module 2

Today I went to saying about ways of studing cultural. I know some ways of studing cultural. Furst way is travelling. For example travelling by oxcart. 19th years old Jhon Tompson was traveling around the world all last year. He was travelling in India last September. He ended up in a small village in the middle of nowhere! He was sitting on the top of some sacks on the men's cart, and we were heading back to the city. Most of the way, it was raining, and mosquitoes were buzzig around the ox and biting Jhon. John had Юanother crazy day while i was visiting the Phi Phi islands. One morning, he decided to go on a long- tail boat trip around the islends. Hungreds of monkeys were running towards us as they got off the boat. But then, as he was feeding a piece of pinepple to one money, another gabbed my small backpack and quickly ran into the bushes with it! The bag had his passport in it! Second way is receiving information from Internet. For example from Google. Google was the ...